Adventures in Sewing: Jump Start

For several years, I have been haunted by an evil sewinIMG_1169g machine. It taunted me from its place in the closet, laughing at how my utter lack of sewing knowledge was thwarting my dreams of creating the projects envisioned in my head.

Learning to machine sew is a life-skill I’ve always wanted, but totally lacked. I just didn’t have anyone available in my life to teach me. Thinking to myself – I’ve worked with very complicated machines, surely I can do this; I bought an inexpensive sewing machine and a basic sewing book and tried to teach myself. It was an exercise in total frustration and the machine was hidden away in my closet.

Earlier this summer I saw an introductory sewing class series on Dabble, a website that helps facilitate in-person learning opportunities in some cities, Denver being one of them. Over the course of five, one-hour sessions I learned all about my machine, the supporting tools needed for sewing, how to construct simple seams, the critical importance of pressing and how to finish edges and hems. The intro series was so helpful I’ve continued my learning with this instructor, so I’ve also gained a better understanding of zippers & button holes, and hopefully in the future, moving into sewing with more advanced fabrics.

IMG_0771I felt pretty clueless those first couple of classes. I actually forgot important parts of my machine the very first class (doh!), and I could not seem to get it threaded and tensioned without help. But overcoming that initial fear and lack of knowledge has been really rewarding; especially for something that’s been on my bucket list for a few years.

I’ve since made an oxford shirt. While there’s no way I’m wearing it to work, it’s decent enough I’d answer the door for a neighbor in it. And I recently checked off my actual bucket list item of “Make my own skirt”, and it’s even something I would willingly leave the house in! Eventually I want to mash my interest in electronics and IOT with this new skill to craft some cool custom smart fashions.

Related links: My Sewing Instructor in Denver